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Extended bracket for DNR-12-1G mounts the 4" deep in the 19" rack



RACKtangle mounting extension brackets - Set of 2

  • Allows DNR-12, UEIPAC 1200R and UEISIM 1200R series
  • chassis to be mounted further from the 19" rack front panel
  • Provides 3.625 inches of clearance between 19" rack front
  • panel and chassis
  • Easy to install, uses existing mounting holes and hardware
  • Allows bulkhead (rear) mounting configurations to be mounted further from bulkhead if required
Extended bracket for DNR-12-1G mounts the 4" deep in the 19" rack
Quantity: $145
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Tariff surcharges may apply.


The DNR-EXT-BRACKET-4 is designed to allow DNR-12, UEIPAC 1200R and UEISIM 1200R series RACKtangles to be installed “deeper" in 19" racks than the standard brackets provided with the units. The extended brackets provide a full 3.625 inch clearance between the front panel of the 19" rack and the front of the RACKtangle chassis.

In applications taking advantage of the RACKtangle's rear, bulkhead mounting configuration the extension bracket can be used to extend the clearance between the rear panel of the RACKtangle and the bulkhead it is mounted on to approximately 5.25 inches.

The bracket is designed to use existing mounting holes and hardwareso it is very easy to install on the RACKtangle as well as in your rack.

