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8-Channel Thermocouple Simulator

DNx-TC-378, DNA-TC-378, DNR-TC-378, DNF-TC-378


  • For use in “Cube” / RACKtangle /FLATRACK I/O chassis
  • 8 independent fully isolated TC outputs
  • CJ temp input allows CJ Compensation (if required)
  • 1kHz per channel max update rate
  • ±100 mV output range supports all common TCs
  • Resolution 0.1°C / 3.8 µV (type K)
  • Accuracy 0.6°C (type K including CJC)
  • Guardian series diagnostics reads output voltage and current and board temperature
  • Simulates open Thermocouples
  • Simultaneous update across all channels
8-Channel Thermocouple Simulator
Product Style: What do the "DNx" prefixes mean? "DNA" prefix is for a Cube & MIL Cube Board, "DNR" prefix is for a Rack & MIL Rack Board , and "DNF" prefix is for a FLATRACK board.
Quantity: $2190
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Limited quantities available. Please contact sales@ueidaq.com for more information.

DNx-TC-378, DNA-TC-378, DNR-TC-378, DNF-TC-378

The DNA-TC-378, DNR-TC-378 and DNF-TC-378 are fully isolated, high-precision, 8-channel thermocouple simulator board compatible withUEI’s popular “Cube”, RACKtangle and FLATRACK I/O chassis respectively.The boards offer full 16-bit resolution and guarantee monotonicity overthe entire operating temperature range. Each DNA/DNR-TC-378 channelprovides an output range of ±100 mV which encompasses the outputranges of all common thermocouples. Each output is capable of driving±10 mA though it’s unlikely a TC input would require such high current.

The DNx-TC-378 provides extensive built-in-test diagnostics. An on-board A/D converter on each channel allows the user to monitor outputvoltage and current as well as board temperature. A solid state relay oneach output allows the D/A channel to be disconnected from the field I/Oso an open thermocouple can be simulated and the input systems openTC detection circuitry can be tested. A 1024 sample FIFO allows each D/Ato be updated at 1 kHz per channel (8 kHz aggregate) without data loss.

The board provides three cold-junction input channels to measuretemperature where the TC-378 is connected to the applicationsthermocouple input device. This cold-junction temperature can beutilized by the application software to compensate for error caused bythe lack of actual cold-junction error (as there will not be the extraneousdissimilar metal connection that causes the whole CJC issue). The threecold-junction channels are fully electrically isolated from the TC channels,but not from each other.

Connections to the DNx-TC-378 are through a female DB37 connector.OEMs will find it easy to find mating connectors for custom cables,while end-users may take advantage of UEI’s DNA-STP-378 screwterminal panel. In addition to the screw terminals, the DNA-STP-378also includes 3 cold junction sensors. Connections to the DNA-STP-378are made via the DNA-CBL-37 or DNA-CBL-37S series cables.

The DNx-TC-378 series includes software drivers supporting allpopular operating systems including: Windows, Linux, QNX,VXWorks, and most other popular Real-Time Operating Systems.Windows users may take advantage of the powerful UEIDAQFramework which provides a simple and complete software interfaceto all popular Windows programming language and data acquisitionand control applications (e.g. LabVIEW, MATLAB).

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