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4-port, synchronous serial communications, HDLC, and SDLC protocol support

DNx-SL-504, DNA-SL-504, DNR-SL-504, DNF-SL-504


4-Port Synchronous Serial Communications

  • 4 independently configurable ports
  • Each port software-configurable as RS-232 or RS-485/422/423
  • Max speed of 230 kbaud for RS-232 and 4 Mbaud for RS-485/422
  • HDLC, SDLC protocol support
  • 350 V port-to-port isolation; 15kV ESD
4-port, synchronous serial communications, HDLC, and SDLC protocol support
Product Style: What do the "DNx" prefixes mean? "DNA" prefix is for a Cube & MIL Cube Board, "DNR" prefix is for a Rack & MIL Rack Board , and "DNF" prefix is for a FLATRACK board.
Software/Programming: How UEI solutions are used. Hosted - Connected to a PC with Windows, Linux, QNX, VxWorks, RTX, or similar OS. Hosted also is for OPC-UA, Modbus and EtherCAT. Standalone - Controller with Linux or VxWorks OS, Simulink I/O Target or UEILogger. Available options for this product are shown in the drop down menu.
Quantity: $1910
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Tariff surcharges may apply.

DNx-SL-504, DNA-SL-504, DNR-SL-504, DNF-SL-504

The DNx-SL-504 has 4-port serial communications interfaces for Cube and RACKtangle I/O chassis. Each port may be independently configurable as RS-232, RS-485, RS-422/423 as well as set for synchronous communications. Each port is fully isolated from the other three ports and from the Cube or RACKtangle chassis. The board is an ideal interface to a wide variety of serial based data acquisition and control interfaces as well as general purpose serial I/O.

The DNx-SL-504 supports most popular synchronous serial communication protocols, including HDLC and SDLC. The RS-485/422 implementation provides transmit and receive, data and clock interface while the RS-232 configuration also supports standard CTS and RTS signals. The maximum transfer rate in RS-485/422 and RS-232 modes are 4 Mbaud and 230 kbaud respectively.

The DNx-SL-504 support standard asynchronous serial transfer rates up to 1 Mbaud in RS-485 mode or up to 230 kbaud in RS-232 mode. It also supports communications at 12, 12.5 and 50 kbaud with better than 0.1% data rate accuracy.

Note: This product no longer includes UEI’s 10-year availability guarantee. Availability is currently guaranteed until January 31, 2028. The product has NOT been designated for End-Of-Life and may be available well beyond the guaranteed date. Post-sales support for this product is guaranteed until at least January 31, 2030. UEI may have alternative solutions for these products. Please contact the factory to learn about the most appropriate substitute.



  • PowerDNA