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UEI Europe Office

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UEI's COVID-19 Announcement

Several weeks ago, UEI began preparing for the coronavirus. This included CDC recommendations like limiting direct contact with outside vendors at UEI HQ and avoiding public transportation whenever possible to voluntary telecommuting. Social distancing was, and is, a real thing and we took it seriously.

Fast forward to today, and a majority of the company is now working from home. But, like a lot of other businesses, we remain connected digitally, holding daily meetings online, hosting conference calls, and even testing hardware. As one engineer described it “Since our [UEI] systems are ethernet based, working remotely is incredibly easy ...”

In the meantime, without interruption, UEI’s manufacturing and production continues. As does our firm commitment to our customers. We take great pride in being named part of the US’s “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce.”

You can read more about it here.