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Top 5 Launches UEI Has Helped Get off the Ground

In light of the most recent launch by SpaceX, we’re highlighting the launches we helped get off the ground! These are featured in least to most recent.

Blue Origin - November 24, 2015

The successful launch and landing of Blue Origin’s New Shepard vehicle marked the validation of the vehicle architecture and design. The vehicle was launched from Blue Origin’s test site in West Texas, where it flew to the edge of space and landed both sections of the vehicle. This launch helped prove the possibility of reusing both modules of the New Shepard.

Orbital ATK - May 21, 2018

Orbital ATK successfully launched the Antares rocket from Pad 0A at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The launch was to deliver 7,400 pounds of critical supplies and scientific equipment to the International Space Station, its heaviest cargo to date.

SpaceX - May 30, 2020

This was the first manned launch for SpaceX and the return to human spaceflight for the first time in the past 9 years. SpaceX was able to successfully launch NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley into orbit, marking a resurgence of manned space flight. The Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spacecraft launched from launchpad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and delivered the astronauts to the International Space Station.

Blue Origin - October 13, 2020

Blue Origin successfully launched and landed the New Shepard vehicle with a first-ever external booster payload. The sub-orbital rocket was launched from the company’s West Texas letting facility. The launch included a test of NASA’s landing sensor system to demonstrate precision landing technologies that could guide future moon landings.

SpaceX - November 16, 2020

In a landmark launch for commercial spaceflight, SpaceX launched four astronauts into orbit en route to the International Space Station. The Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA commander Mike Hopkins, pilot Victor Glover, mission specialist Shannon Walker, and Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi make up the team heading for a 6 month long expedition on the ISS.

For UEI, it’s been an honor to have played a part in ensuring that these monumental events have gotten off the ground efficiently and safely. Helping our country’s great space pioneers test, control and monitor critical systems has been at the heart of what we do. UEI will be ready for many more great adventures!”