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Guardian Features.

UEI offers our customers an extensive selection of IO: Digital, analog, synchro-resolver, strain guage, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC-429, CAN, etc …

Less known, but no-less important, is a growing list of IO boards with built-in diagnostics features we call Guardian.

So, is Guardian right for your application? UEI Director of Business Development, Bob Judd explains Guardian helps our customers in two ways. “Helping debug a new system [is one way]” explains Bob. It easily identifies any faults and where to find them.

Using it is as a maintenance tool is another major benefit. “[Guardian] monitors what’s going on in your system and will tell you if something has failed” says Bob.

Guardian isn’t necessary for every application, but if you’re setting up a new system or monitoring an existing one, it’s “a big advantage.”!