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Whether you're developing a brand-new HIL/SIL system or retrofitting a legacy system, today’s technology makes your life easier than ever before. The large, power-hungry (often VME based) systems of yesterday are replaced by smaller (e.g. 3U versus 7U), simpler and less expensive modern I/O systems. The expensive, special-purpose CPUs often used in earlier systems are now replaced by off-the-shelf, multicore DELL (or equivalent) PCs. Simulating the various signals necessary has historically required expensive, custom or semi-custom electronics while today these simulated signals are generated by low-cost, COTS modules. Even wiring and interconnection is simpler. The bulky (often wire-wrap) interconnection panels of the past are replaced by small, low-cost PCBs. Rather than manually switching between the actual LRU/Sensor, a simulated signal and/or an error signal, in today’s system, this switching is done instantly via high density, inexpensive mux/switchboards.
In this Master Class, we will describe the latest generation of SIL/HIL/Hybrid-Test-Bench products and how they help you, the system designer (and often end-user), build a powerful, efficient and price-effective solution