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UEIPAC Linux Programmers Toolkit Versions



  • Choose from the UEIPAC LINUX Programmer’s Toolkit for PPC Based UEIPACs, for ARM/SoloX (TK-SX), or for Zynq (TK-ZQ).
  • UEIPAC-LINUX-TK is for UEI PowerPC -02/-03 CPUs.
  • UEIPAC-LINUX-TK-SX is for UEI ARM/SoloX -11/-12 CPUs.
  • UEIPAC-LINUX-TK-ZQ is for UEI Zynq -33/-3A CPUs.
  • UEI will contact you directly after the purchase with toolkit download instructions.
UEIPAC Linux Programmers Toolkit Versions
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Quantity: $1500
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Tariff surcharges may apply.



  • Linux TK Standard, for PowerPC -02/-03 CPUs

The UEIPAC Linux Programming Toolkits provide the software tools necessary to create an embedded application targeting Linux on either the UEIPAC-02/-03 processors, -11/-12 processors, or its -33/-3A processors. Once the application is developed it will run directly on the UEIPAC.

You must purchase one copy of the UEIPAC Linux TK, UEIPAC Linux TK SX, or UEIPAC Linux TK ZQ before you are able to write programs for the UEIPAC. However, you need only purchase one package regardless of how many UEIPAC Cubes you are writing programs for or are planning to deploy.


The programmer’s toolkit provides the software tools necessary to create an embedded application targeting Linux on the UEIPAC’s PowerPC processor. This includes most popular versions of Linux such as Fedora and Suse. The development environment runs on a Linux PC or in the Cygwin environment on a Windows PC. The UEIPAC is also supported by the popular Eclipse IDE. Applications requiring hard real-time functionality are possible using the Xenomai 3.05 Linux extension or the Real-Time Linux capability included in the 4.4.115 series kernel. The RT Linux kernel must be used for proper IEEE-1588 performance.

  • The UEIPAC development environment includes:
  • GCC 6.3.0 based cross-compiler for applications targeting the UEIPAC PPC module
  • GNU toolchain tools such as make
  • Standard Linux libraries such as glibc
  • UEIPAC library for the various I/O boards/devices


  • Uses Yocto Linux distribution: Yocto version 2.7 (Warrior), Linux kernel 4.9.88, PREEMPT_RT patch for real-time support
  • Program in standard C/C++
  • Eclipse IDE support
  • Develop on Linux PC or Windows PC / Cygwin environment

The programmer’s toolkit provides the software tools necessary to create an embedded application targeting Linux on the UEIPAC’s ARMv7 32-bit processor. This includes most popular versions of Linux such as Fedora and Ubuntu. The development environment runs on a Linux PC or in the Cygwin environment on a Windows PC. The UEIPAC is also supported by the popular Eclipse IDE. Applications requiring hard real-time functionality are possible with the Real-Time Linux capability included in the 4.9.88 series kernel.

The UEIPAC development environment includes:

  • GCC 8.3 based cross-compiler for applications targeting the UEIPAC ARM module
  • GNU toolchain tools such as make
  • Standard Linux libraries such as glibc 2.32
  • UEIPAC library for the various I/O boards/devices


  • Uses Yocto Linux distribution: Petalinux 2020.2 Yocto (Zeus), Linux kernel 5.4.0.
  • Program in standard C/C++ or Python
  • Eclipse IDE support
  • Develop on Linux PC or Windows PC environment

The programmer’s toolkit provides the software tools necessary to create an embedded application targeting Linux on the UEIPAC’s ARMv8 64-bit processor. This includes most popular versions of Linux, such as Fedora and Ubuntu. The development environment runs on a Linux PC or in the WSL 2 environment on a Windows PC. Applications requiring hard real-time functionality are possible with the Real-Time Linux capability included in the 5.4.0 series kernel.

The UEIPAC development environment includes:

  • GCC 9.2.0 based cross-compiler for applications targeting the UEIPAC ARM module
  • GNU toolchain tools such as make
  • Standard Linux libraries such as glibc 2.32
  • UEIPAC library for the various I/O boards/devices

The toolkit comes with a library dedicated to communicating with all UEI’s data acquisition, control, and avionic boards. It provides the same powerful yet straightforward API as the standard hosted PowerDNA library. This allows you to reuse existing PowerDNA programs developed to run on a host PC and communicate with PowerDNA over the network. Programs designed to run on the standard hosted PowerDNA hardware may be ported directly to the embedded Linux with few modifications.

Additional Resources:

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