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Secure PowerDNA Toolkit



  • For SoloX/ARM (-11) CPUs.
  • FIPS 140.2 Compliance Encryption for DAQBios.
  • This is a yearly paid subscription. UEI will contact you directly with toolkit download instructions.
Secure PowerDNA Toolkit
Quantity: $5000
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Tariff surcharges may apply.


With the UEI Secure PowerDNA Toolkit subscription, users can customize their kernels to better suit their cybersecurity applications, and with their binaries built with the security features they can use our UEI-SAT tool to secure their devices.


  • Library allows for key generation to encrypt/decrypt data exchanged between host PC and PowerDNA I/O module.
  • FIPS 140.2 compliant encryption.
  • RSA and AES – 128-4k Key sizes Using SSL.

As a part of your subscription, you will have access to any new updates to the toolkit while subscription is in good standing.



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