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Replacement cooling fan for the DNR-AI-256



  • Spare/replacement fan for the DNR-AI-256 (one DNR-FAN-925 is included with the DNR-AI-256)
  • Provides extra cooling for special high-power DNR I/O boards
  • Built-in diagnostics allows API to read board voltage, current and fan RPM
  • Low noise fan (29.0 dB-A)
  • High reliability brushless fan
  • 15.54 CFM (0.440 m3/min)
Replacement cooling fan for the DNR-AI-256
Quantity: $465
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Tariff surcharges may apply.


The DNR-FAN-925 is an auxiliary cooling fan board for use with UEI’spopular RACKtangle™ I/O chassis. The fan board is designed for use withthe DNR-AI-256 high output, Synchro/Resolver/RVDT/LVDT board (fan included with purchase of DNR-AI-256). Simplyinstall the FAN-925 in the slot to the right of the DNR-AI-256 and it willprovide all cooling required. The 29.0 dB-A fan is exceptionally quiet andwill not noticeably increase ambient noise.

The fan is designed to run any time the Cube/RACK is powered up. TheAPI provides diagnostics and allows the host PC to read the board’s powersupply voltage and current as well as the fan RPM.

Software included with the DNR-FAN-925 provides a comprehensiveyet easy to use API that supports all popular Windows programminglanguages as well as supporting programmers using Linux and mostreal-time operating systems including QNX, RTX, VXworks and more.Additionally, the UEIDAQ Framework supplies complete support forthose creating applications in Windows based data acquisition softwarepackages such as LabVIEW, MATLAB/Simulink, or any application whichsupports ActiveX or OPC servers.

