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Multifunction Analog and Digital I/O Board with Dual CAN Ports

DNx-MF-102, DNA-MF-102, DNR-MF-102, DNF-MF-102


  • DNA/DNR/DNF-MF-101 for use in "Cube", RACKtangle®, and FLATRACK™ I/O chassis
  • 16 SE / 8 Differential 18-bit analog input channels
  • +/- 80 V to ± 0.156 V analog input ranges
  • 2 16-bit ±10 V or 0-20 mA analog output channels
  • 16 digital I/O bits 0-55 VDC
  • 500 mA Douts with 16-bit PWM resolution
  • Dual 32-bit counters
  • up to 2 kHz update rates
  • Dual CAN 2.0 ports
  • 1 RS-232/422/485 port
  • 350 Vrms Isolation
Multifunction Analog and Digital I/O Board with Dual CAN Ports
Product Style: What do the "DNx" prefixes mean? "DNA" prefix is for a Cube & MIL Cube Board, "DNR" prefix is for a Rack & MIL Rack Board , and "DNF" prefix is for a FLATRACK board.
Quantity: $2030
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Tariff surcharges may apply.

DNx-MF-102, DNA-MF-102, DNR-MF-102, DNF-MF-102

The DNA/DNR/DNF-MF-102 are multifunction analog and digital I/O boards for use in UEI’s Cube/RACKtangle/FLATRACK I/O chassis respectively. The board offers a powerful combination of I/O including 16 single-ended/8 differential analog inputs, 2 analog outputs, 16 bits of digital I/O, two CAN ports and one RS-232/422/485 port.

The board offers 8 software selectable A/D ranges from ±80 V to ±0.156 V with 18-bit resolution. The ±80 V range makes the DNx-MF-102 an ideal measurement solution in a host of automotive, aerospace and power generation applications where many DAQ products’ 10 V maximum input range cannot be used without external signal conditioning. The “high voltage” and “low voltage” configurations are programmable on a per-channel basis. Programmable gains combined with the board’s 18-bit A/D converter provides resolution as low as 1.19 μV. The DNx-MF-102 provides sample rates as high as 2000 sample per second on each channel (16 k/s aggregate). Two ±10 voltage or current (e.g. 4-20 mA) 16-bit analog outputs are also provided.

The board offers 16 bits of industrial voltage DIO where each bit may be independently set as input or output. The DIO bits have a wide operating range from 3.3V to 55 VDC. The digital inputs have programmable pull up/down resistors that allow inputs to monitor contacts connected to a supply voltage or ground. Inputs are sensed with an A/D converter so high and low voltage thresholds are programmable and allowing change of state detection with 5 μs resolution. The digital outputs can be set as current sourcing (a switch between Vcc and the output), current sinking (a switch between Gnd and the output), push-pull (connect to Vcc or Gnd but not at the same time) or can act as a simple switch to Vcc or Gnd. Digital outputs can also be configured as flexible controllers with PWM and 16-bit pulse width resolution or softstart. The PWM/softstart parameters are selectable on a per-channel basis. The outputs are protected with 1.25 A fast-blow fuses.

Analog input, industrial digital input (including digital in, analog values and change of state), serial and CAN data may be streamed to their own FIFOs of a single combined FIFO with timestamps. Ain/Din time stamps are generated at the start of the scan, while each byte of serial/CAN data received is time stamped upon receipt.

Two 32-bit counters are provided. The counter inputs can be connected to any digital input pin, while the counter outputs can be used to drive two dedicated industrial outputs.

The MF-102 board includes three communications ports. The first is an RS-232/422/485 that can be set for any baud rate from 300 baud to 2 Mbaud with 0.01% frequency accuracy. The board also offers two CAN 2.0 ports which support Standard, Fast and Fast+ baud rates.

The DNx-MF-102 offers 350 Vrms of isolation between itself and other I/O boards as well as between the I/O connections and the chassis. The analog and digital sections of this board are also isolated. Like all UEI I/O boards, the board offers operation in extreme environments and has been tested to 5g vibration, 100g shock, from -40 to +85 °C temperatures and will function at altitudes up to 70,000 feet.

The board is supported by a variety of cable and screw terminal options certain to meet the needs of almost all users (please see page 4 for details). For those wishing to create their own cables, all connections are through a standard 62-pin “D” connector allowing OEM users to build custom cabling systems with standard, readily available components.

The DNx-MF-102 is supported by a complete software suite including support for Windows, Linux and all popular RTOS. Windows support is provided by the UEIDAQ Framework which includes a powerful software interface to Windows programming languages and DAQ applications including LabVIEW and MATLAB. An extensive factory written software suite is also provided for all popular “non-Windows” operating systems, including Linux, VXworks, QNX, RTX, INtime and more. All software support includes extensive example programs that make it easy to cut-and-paste the I/O software into your applications.



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