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16-channel, 16-bit, 100 kS/s per channel PCI analog output board



16-channel, 16-bit, 100 kS/s per channel PCI analog output board

  • For PCI bus
  • 16 analog outputs, 16-bit resolution
  • 8 digital input lines, 8 digital output lines
  • Three clock/interrupt lines, three 24-bit counters/timers
  • Channel list (64 locations)
  • Independent waveform on each channel
  • Simultaneous channel update; update on external event
  • 2k samples onboard buffer size (upgradable to 64k samples)
16-channel, 16-bit, 100 kS/s per channel PCI analog output board
Quantity: $2685
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Subject to global supply chain challenges.


16-channel analog output data acquisition card. 16-bit resolution, 100 kS/s per channel update rate, three 24-bit counter/timers, 16 digital I/O lines.

This product is Non Cancelable Non Returnable (NCNR) and cannot be cancelled and the products cannot be returned once purchased.

Note: This board is not recommended for use in new, long-term applications. Our plan is to maintain this board’s availability until at least January 31, 2028. However, unlike our DNx series availability guarantee, we cannot guarantee availability until 2028. Though we will not discontinue the board simply due to declining sales, we reserve the right to discontinue it should a key component required to build the board become unavailable.

