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12-slot, military style I/O rack

UEIPAC 1200-MIL-02-08-00-00-PA


  • Military/Rugged 38999 connectivity
  • 100% COTS solution
  • Supported by over 80 standard DNR-series I/O boards
  • 5 g vibration, 100 g shock, sealed to IP66
  • Dual GigE ports (control and diagnostic)
  • Designed for MIL-STD-461/810/1275 compliance
  • Extensive built-in system diagnostics
  • No rotary cooling devices
  • Extensive software support including Windows, Linux, QNX, INtime, and more

VxWorks Features

  • Use your existing development license
  • Obtain your run-time license from WindRiver
  • Our BSP provides everything else you need including examples
  • A one-time charge for BSP regardless of the number of systems deployed

Linux Features

  • Uses standard Linux kernel or with Linux_rt preempt patch real-time support
  • Program in standard C
  • Eclipse IDE support
  • Develop on Linux PC or Windows PC in the Cygwin environment
  • SD card, SSD, and/or USB based disk
  • Uses the same API as our PowerDNA family
  • Our Linux Programmer's Toolkit is required to write programs for the UEIPAC
  • A one-time charge for the Toolkit, regardless of the number of systems deployed

Mathworks Embedded Coder®

  • Add-on to Simulink that unlocks additional code optimization, verification, and targeting capabilities.
  • Generate readable, compact, and fast C and C++ code optimized for embedded systems.

Please call for delivery info

12-slot, military style I/O rack
Software/Programming: How UEI solutions are used. Hosted - Connected to a PC with Windows, Linux, QNX, VxWorks, RTX, or similar OS. Hosted also is for OPC-UA, Modbus and EtherCAT. Standalone - Controller with Linux or VxWorks OS, Simulink I/O Target or UEILogger. Available options for this product are shown in the drop down menu.
CPU Configurations:
Solid State Hard Drive:
SD Card:
M.2 Solid State Hard Drive:
Software Deployment Options:
Quantity: $30565
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Typically in stock for shipment in 3-4 weeks. Subject to global supply chain challenges.

UEIPAC 1200-MIL-02-08-00-00-PA


  • Option 00/02: Standard 8347 CPU - Supports SSD, IEEE-1588
  • 8 GByte SS Drive
  • No SD Card
  • No SS Drive
  • Standard UEIPAC deployment option

The UEIPAC 1200-MIL is the latest deployment of UEI's popular RACKtangle architecture. Though the original RACKtangles are quite rugged, the DNR-MIL series takes ruggedness to the extreme. Designed for use in the toughest environments, the new RACKtangle is an ideal solution for military and aerospace deployments. The form factor is also ideal for a huge assortment of commercial applications including use on oil drilling platforms and refineries, heavy machinery, outdoor test stands, and any other I/O application that will be exposed to the elements. All connectivity is through ROHS compliant 38999 connectors.

Electronically, the UEIPAC 1200-MIL RACKtangle is identical to the standard DNR series RACKtangle except for the added hold-up and protection circuitry added to the power supply inputs. (This power supply conditioning is required in order to meet MIL-STD-1275.) This means the DNR-MIL uses our standard DNR-series board (e.g. DNR-AI-217 or DNR-1553-553). With over 80 unique I/O boards and 12 slots available there's sure to be a configuration perfectly matching your application.

The new RACKtangle is designed to meet the most commonly required elements of MIL-STD-461 and -810 and is sealed to at least IP66/NEMA6 standards. All this is housed in a compact 17.5" x 8.125" x 7" chassis, weighing less than 22 pounds and typically consuming less than 40 Watts. In addition, no rotary cooling fans are used in the design which maximizes MTBF and mechanical reliability. All internal printed circuit boards are conformal coated to ensure the highest reliability.

LINUX Deployments

Your application runs as a regular Linux process giving you access to the standard POSIX API provided by the GNU C runtime library (glibc) as well as any other library that can be compiled for Linux (for example: libxml, libaudiofile…). We also support the Linux_rt preempt patch for real-time support.

To develop programs for the UEIPAC, you will need to purchase a copy of the UEIPAC Linux TK programmers toolkit. The toolkit provides the various items needed to write applications for the UEIPAC. Regardless of the number of cubes you deploy, you need only purchase one programming toolkit. UEIPAC is an embedded Linux-based system with no graphical interface. It is very good at network connectivity, which makes it possible to create remote graphical user interfaces (also known as HMI Human-Machine-Interface).

VxWorks Deployments

You may now take advantage of all the hardware advantages of UEI's popular UEIPAC chassis and continue to develop your applications in VxWorks. This powerful combination provides hard real-time performance, an extremely robust and reliable operating system, allows you to develop your application in a familiar environment and last, but not least, allows you to preserve a great deal of previously written code! To deploy a UEIPAC application running VxWorks you'll need the following.

  1. A UEIPAC (any version)
  2. The "UEIPAC VxW BSP". You only need to purchase the BSP once, regardless of the number of systems you deploy
  3. A VxWorks development system (from Wind River)
  4. A VxWorks run-time license for each UEIPAC deployed. (also purchased from Wind River)

Mathworks Embedded Coder® & UEI Solutions

Mathworks Embedded Coder® generates readable, compact, and fast C and C++ code for embedded processors used in mass production. Embedded Coder is available for use on UEIPAC and UEISIM systems. The choice of Embedded Coder versus Simulink Coder is done when selecting the system target file (same as what you would do to select PowerPC, SoloX ARM, or Zynq UltraScale+ CPU targets).

For information on Embedded Coder® used with UEI solutions, please contact sales@ueidaq.com.

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