Walpole, MA (April 20, 2012) — United Electronic Industries (UEI) is pleased to announce that its popular UEILogger series now offers increased logging speeds (up to 15x faster), data storage, and functionality. The new logger supports sample rates as high as 500 kilosamples per second for 16-bit samples and 250 kilosamples per secondfor 18 to 24 bit A/D samples. Regardless of system configuration, the new UEILogger provides at least 320 kS/S (16-bit) or 160 kS/S (18-24 bit). The revision also supports SD cards as large as 32 GByte and includes an 8 GByte SD card as standard. Additional features include an alarming function that allows a digital output or Sync bit to be controlled by alarm conditions of Analog inputs. The new revision also
supports logging from the MIL-STD-1553 avionics bus. The latest logger also provides a built-in sample rate self-test feature that measures
system performance and sets the system maximum sample rates based on actual system configuration.
Based upon UEI’s PowerDNA Ethernet DAQ cubes, the UEILogger is configured to meet the specific needs of a user’s application. The Logger Cube contains the controller, network and SD card interface, power supply as well as either three or six I/O slots (UEILogger 300 or 600 respectively). With simple, flexible setup and “real-time” diagnostic display, the UEILogger is suitable for use in a wide variety of industrial, aerospace, in-vehicle and laboratory applications.
A full description of the UEILogger is available at www.ueidaq.com/ueilogger.
<... 300$1495 (Delivery from stock starting April 20)UEILogger 600$1795 (Delivery from stock starting April 20)
About the “Cube”
UEI’s powerful “Cube” architecture is a compact (4 x 4 x 4” or 4 x 4 x 5.8”) Ethernet-based I/O platform. It may be deployed in five configurations: 1) Ethernet I/O slaved to a host PC, 2) Stand alone Data Logger/Recorder, 3) Linux-based Programmable Automation Controller (UEIPAC), or 4) Simulink Coder target (UEISIM), 5) Modbus TCP based I/O slave (UEI Modbus). Each Cube consists of a core module (with processor and network interface) and three or six open I/O slots. Users select the deployment option and I/O boards that meet their system requirements. With over 30 I/O boards available, there’s sure to be a configuration to meet any application requirement. A six-slot Cube provides up to: 150 analog inputs (up to 24 ICP channels), 192 analog outputs, 288 digital I/O, 48 counter or quadrature channels, 72 ARINC-429 channels and/or 24 Serial or CAN-bus ports. A full description of the “Cube” is available at www.ueidaq.com.