UEI’s Guardian Advantage
UEI offers our customers an extensive selection of IO: Digital, analog, synchro-resolver, strain gauge, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC-429, CAN, etc …
Less known, but no-less important, is a growing list of IO boards with built-in diagnostics features we call Guardian.
So, is Guardian right for your application? UEI Director of Business Development, Bob Judd explains it helps our customers in two ways. Because it easily identifies any faults or shorts and where to find them “it can be a huge help debugging a brand-new system.”
You can also use it as a maintenance tool. “Once installed, [Guardian] monitors what’s going on in your system and will tell you if something has failed,” explains Bob.
While Guardian isn’t necessary for every application, if you’re setting up a new system or monitoring an existing one, it can be “a big advantage”!